Dear reader,
It’s been a while since I’ve been in touch, so I wanted to check in and let you know that I’m alive and well… mostly. At the moment, I’m stuck at home with a mild COVID case, which feels crummy, but has a silver lining - plenty of time to think and write!
Last June, in my post about obesity, I shared my plans to take a summer break from science communication to focus on family and train for a sprint triathlon (I did it!). Since then, I’ve extended this pause to create time and space to chart my next career move, an itch that has been growing stronger for the last few years.
Of course, I haven’t been entirely unplugged - I love sharing science too much for that! I’m still contributing to Those Nerdy Girls, answering questions about various health topics including: zinc supplements, nasal sprays, COVID vaccines, and rapid antigen tests (see links below).
In a nutshell, I’m keeping abreast of the latest science, but laying low while I sort out my next move.
That’s all for now. Thanks for being here. I’m honoured by the confidence you have in me as a messenger for reliable health information. I don’t take this privilege lightly, which is why I can never “throw together” a post!
I wish you and yours a very healthy and happy year ahead.
PS Keep scrolling for links to my recent content.
Articles for Those Nerdy Girls
Do zinc supplements help treat or prevent colds?
Does the Novavax COVID-19 cause fewer side effects?
How long after infection should I get my updated COVID shot?
Can rapid antigen tests detect asymptomatic COVID-19 cases?
Does nitric oxide nasal spray (Enovid/VirX/FabiSpray) help prevent or treat COVID?
Q&A Videos for Those Nerdy Girls
COVID vaccines (clearing up confusion about “up to date”)
How bad is it to get COVID multiple times?
Does a negative rapid antigen test mean I’m not contagious?
Who needs an RSV vaccine and why? What is it?
Is there an optimal time to get the RSV vaccine?
Why are flu vaccines important, and for whom?
What is the updated COVID-19 shot, and who can benefit from it?
When is the best time to get your updated COVID-19 shot?
Which COVID-19 vaccine should I get? Is Novavax better than mRNA?
Should I mix and match COVID-19 vaccines?
What about timing between vaccines?
Get Real Health Podcast
Weight Loss Medications to Treat Obesity with Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford. Get Real Health with Dr. Chana Davis (Ep 60) on my website, Apple Podcasts or Spotify.